Spring is here, and so are the birds! This May, sixteen expert birders will visit all of our nature reserves to try to find as many species of birds as they can in a 24 hour period. It’s a marathon!
Last year our birders set a record, finding a total of 151 species across 13 nature reserves, including species at risk such as Bobolinks and Least Bitterns. Not only do they find lots and lots of birds, but also many of the other creatures that call our nature reserves home such as bears, otters, and much more. Each year we can’t wait to hear the birders’ reports of what they found. Their reports are a fascinating snapshot in time of life on NLT’s nature reserves.
The birding marathon is one of NLT’s biggest fundraisers of the year. Donations will go towards our Green Corridor Capital Campaign. In this campaign NLT is looking to raise $5 million in land donations and cash in order to expand our network of nature reserves across Northumberland County. This year NLT is adding two more nature reserves, and three more are in the works for the near future. This is exciting news for everyone who wants to protect critical habitats for wildlife in Northumberland County, including all the birds that call our nature reserves home.
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